Monday, February 1, 2016

Materials - soiless transplant mix

I could buy a soilless mix for growing transplants, but it's more economical to mix my own. My recipe is based on Cornell's potting mixture for their greenhouses. One bucket hold  3 gallons.

Soiless mix
  • 12 gallons peat moss
  • 6 gallons vermiculite
  • 2 1/2 cups  dolomitic lime
 Soilless mix
  • 2 quarts peat moss
  • 1 quart vermiculite
  •  1 2/3 tablespoons dolomitic lime

  1. Measure 12 gallons (4 buckets) peat moss or compost.

    2. Measure 6 gallons (2 buckets) vermiculite.

  3. Measure 2.5 cups pulverized dolomitic lime.

  4. Add peat moss, vermiculite, and lime to a 20 gallon plastic container.

  5. Mix together.

  6. Before filling pots and containers, add 1 quart warm water to 1 gallon of mix.

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